
Three quick tips to help you make more every day

1. Find out if you can better plan, organize, and manage your tasks with paper or electronic helpers

If you are the "paper type":

  • Have your notebook with you, review the day in the evening, and make a note of the most important, less enjoyable but educational experience.
  • Create “to do list”, handwritten in keywords, strike through completed immediately
  • Create Panel Folder 1 - 31 with Table of Contents 1 - 31 for each day of the month with quick-change Sticky Notes.

If you are the "Electronic Systems Type":

  • Find yourself the most appropriate cross-device software which lets you seamlessly switch between smartphone, tablet and computer.
    Tip: A good starting point is the free version of Evernote:
  • Start thinking about every aspect of planning, organizing and doing tasks at the beginning which repeat themselves so that you can create patterns, structures, standards for them
  • Schedule the use of the system of your choice for fixed times of the day, so that a regularity results


2. Do the most important and possibly rather unpleasant in the morning

  • This ensures well-being, sense of achievement and a clear mind for the following things.


3. Allow yourself a review at the end of the day or week

  • Seeing how much you have done will give you the momentum for the next day or the next week
  • If something is not so successful, you now have the opportunity to draw conclusions from it and to use learning profit on current planning, organization and completion of tasks immediately.
How to work together more efficiently with your office service provider

Here are a few more quick tips for a better work success:

  • Stay in touch with your office service provider personally, by phone, or at least once by e-mail to exchange ideas e. g. for improvement.
    Keywords: weekly review, weekly outlook, brainstorming
  • Think about it at least once a week how your office service provider can support and relieve you even more to move your business forward so that you can devote more time to your core business
  • Which tasks are repeated and can be standardized and easily delegated?
  • Tell your office service provider your business and how you do what and when - they are very likely to have tips for you to make your daily work even more efficient and relieving for you.
Why it is good to change the place of work from time to time

Why it is good to change the place of work from time to time

  • Change of perspective leads to fresh energy, which again creates space for inspiration, creativity and new ideas
  • Opportunity to gain new impressions, to see people, to speak and to take a "change of perspective / sides
  • Rest / silence / departure to new shores, that can be very close, in nature, a small café ... - do something good for yourself...
  • A briefly emerge from the daily routine, go new ways, - to step out from mental "stagnation", physical exercise leads to mental movement
  • To get a little "holiday feeling" in everyday life.
  • Finally again to drink really good coffee


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